Social Security Disability


The size of the Social Security Administration is intimidating, and the complexity of its rules and regulations are overwhelming, giving them an advantage over those applying for benefits. An experienced, knowledgeable social security disability attorney can help level the playing field. We don’t want you to feel like you're being taken advantage of by the Social Security Administration.

The social security attorney at the Law Office of Ty Groat can fight for you if an injury has left you unable to work and earn money. We can secure Social Security Disability benefits provided through the Social Security Administration. Anyone who has paid into Social Security is entitled to the social security disability benefits available in cases where an injury or disability has left you unable to work. Our SSDI attorney is proud to help workers across the San Angelo, Abilene, Midland, and Odessa, TX areas get the benefits they deserve. Contact our social security disability attorney to discuss your situation and to schedule a consultation.


Unlike standard Social Security benefits that you can claim once you turn 65, SSDI has specific criteria that must be met in order to qualify. First, you must have paid into SSDI through taxes, such as Social Security taxes that automatically come out of your paycheck. You also must have worked long enough to be covered by the system, which is generally viewed as 10 years. Those 18 and older may file for SSDI may be eligible for benefits when their parents file for retirement benefits. 

Most importantly, you must have a long-term disability that deems you unable to work. There is an application and interview process in order to be accepted by SSDI. In general, a long-term disability is viewed as a disability that leaves you unable to work for roughly a year. 

The social security attorney at the Law Office of Ty Groat is here to help you not only navigate this often complicated and stressful process, but also to assist in appeal claims if you have been denied SSDI or retirement benefits in the past. Contact our social security disability lawyer today to learn more and to schedule a case review. 


If you have found yourself unable to work and need to file a claim for Social Security Disability, you might be unsure about your options. It's natural to feel uncertain about the decision to hire a Social Security benefits attorney; however, making that choice will benefit you in many ways.

  • Claim Preparation: Our Social Security Disability attorney can help gather the information you need, prepare the necessary documents, and file your initial claim for you. We know what information you need to minimize your wait time and maximize the benefits you receive. The experience we have with initial claims puts us in the ideal position to ensure that your claim is filed properly.
  • Appeal Filing: The overwhelming majority of first-time applicants for Social Security Disability benefits are denied. A knowledgeable attorney is a valuable asset when it comes time to file an appeal. Appeals are subject to strict deadlines, so we can make sure that everything is filed on time and meet all deadlines to give you the best chance for success.
  • Evidence Managing: Part of filing your claim is making sure that Social Security has the information it needs to award you the benefits you deserve. We will gather information to present during your hearing; this includes communicating with your doctors, as well as any pertinent witnesses. We will develop a plan to make sure that your evidence makes its way before the judge.
  • Brief Writing: Filing for Social Security Disability involves a large amount of paperwork, especially if you must keep appealing your claim. An experienced attorney can prepare the required briefs and handle all of the necessary paperwork, ensuring that everything is filled out correctly and taking the load off your plate.
  • Experienced Representation: When it comes time for your Social Security hearing, having an experienced attorney at your side will be an incredible benefit. We can make an opening statement and closing argument; we can also make sure to ask you the right questions to allow you to give the most important and compelling information possible. We will work with you to create a persuasive testimony to give you the best chance for success.

If you have any questions about filing a claim or an appeal, contact our knowledgeable Social Security benefits attorney today! Our office has served clients from the greater Midland, Odessa, San Angelo, and Abilene, TX area.

Social Security Cards and 100 Dollar Bills


  Securing the social security disability benefits you’re entitled to is often not an easy process. Those trying to claim their benefits have to be approved by the Social Security Administration and the wait period can last several months. To help you navigate the process and make sure you are approved for the benefits you should be able to claim without a lengthy wait, trust the SSDI Lawyers at the Law Office of Ty Groat. Our social security lawyer will defend your case and handle everything from paperwork and phone calls to fighting a denial of your claim in court. 

If you are located in Midland or Odessa, TX and want to claim your retirement benefits, get the help of our trusted social security disability attorney. The Law Office of Ty Groat is here for you. Call us today to speak with a knowledgeable SSDI attorney about your case. Our SSI attorney also handles matters of supplemental security income and much more.

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